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“Writing is the only way I have to explain my own life to myself.”
― Pat Conroy 


Digital Articles and Blogs


All written in danish.

Article: Selenatoren, 80'er-drengen og diamanterne.

2018, Tommy Kjeldahl. (2013)

Du er fra ’68, du var teenagedreng i 80'erne, du tænker ”hvad sker der?”


Tween-datteren showdanser på værelset, iPad-kameraet kører, mobilen tjekkes. ”Yes!” råber hun, skruer ned for musikken og smækker skærmen i ansigtet på dig. ”Se!”

Du træder et par skridt tilbage og ser ....

CD Booklets - Photos

AMULET - CD, Lars Lilholt Band.

2015, Tommy Kjeldahl

Photo of Lars Lilholt Band, Studio Communale where the album "Amulet" was recorded.

This photo was the middle pages of the CD booklet.


UEFA Champions League (soccer).

2012, Tommy Kjeldahl

A four pages photo article was published in the danish magazine Zoom. The match between FC Bayern Munich and S.S.C. Napoli was covered.


© 2018 by TKJ

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